July 7, 2024

Digital Parenting and Reducing Work–Family Friction

3 min read
Digital Parenting

In the modern world, digital parenting is becoming increasingly important as more and more children are exposed to technology on a daily basis. As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that our children grow up with healthy habits and a good work-life balance. Digital parenting can help us achieve this goal.

Explaining Digital Parenting Briefly

Digital parenting is the act of using technology to help parents better understand and manage the digital lives of their children. Through digital parenting, parents can access apps, websites and other resources to monitor their children’s activity, such as social media, internet usage, and even gaming. This can help them identify any potential issues their children may be facing, such as cyberbullying, sexting, or addiction to certain activities. It also helps parents keep track of their children’s online friendships, which can be beneficial in helping them navigate the online world safely.

Digital parenting can also help parents instill a sense of balance in their children’s lives. By setting limits on how much time their children spend online, parents can help ensure that their kids have enough time for other activities, such as physical exercise, outdoor play, and socialization with peers. This can also help them get enough sleep and maintain a healthy diet.

By monitoring their children’s online activities, parents can also ensure that their children are not exposed to any inappropriate content or activities. This can help them protect their children from potential predators and other online dangers. Furthermore, parents can also use digital parenting to teach their children about responsible online behavior, such as avoiding cyberbullying and sexting.

Overall, digital parenting can be an effective way to help parents create a work-life balance for their children, while also keeping them safe. By monitoring their children’s online activities and teaching them about responsible online behavior, parents can help ensure that their kids are able to enjoy healthy relationships, both online and off.

What Scholars’ Research Says

Basile, Beauregard, Canonico-Martin, and Gause (2022) study suggests that personal technology can be a useful tool in aiding workfamily balance. Parental attitudes and children‘s privacy rights must be taken into consideration when using such technology. Organizations should look to expand their benefits offerings to include access/discounts to technology platforms that support parenting activities

They suOrganizations can better facilitate employees with reduced conflict between work and family roles by offering access/discounts to personal technology platforms such as Uber One, Amazon Prime and DoorDash. This will help employers gain a better understanding of employee technology use.

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