July 7, 2024

Steve Jobs Profile

8 min read

Steve Jobs Early life and Education

Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, on February 24, 1955. He was raised in Mountain View, California. As a child, he was interested in electronics and took apart televisions and other gadgets to see how they worked.

Key Facts:

  • Born February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California
  • Attended Homestead High School in Cupertino, California, and graduated in 1972.
  • Joined Reed College in Portland, Oregon for one semester before dropping out in 1972.
  • Took classes at De Anza College in Cupertino, California and took a job at Atari to save money for a trip to India.
  • Traveled to India in 1974 to study Buddhism and Hinduism.
  • Returned to California in 1976 and Co-founded Apple Computer with Steve Wozniak.
  • Resigned as CEO of Apple in 1985, but returned as CEO in 1997
  • Launched the first generation iPhone in 2007
  • Resigned as CEO of Apple for the last time in August 2011 due to health issues
  • Died October 5, 2011 at the age of 56 from complications from pancreatic cancer

Steve Jobs Family: Adoptive Parent & Biological Parents

Adoptive Parents:

Paul Jobs (Full Name: Paul Reinhold Jobs)

  • Born: February 24, 1913
  • Died: March 18, 1993
  • Occupation: Machinist and carpenter
  • Relationship with Steve Jobs: Adoptive father
  • Key Facts:
    • Paul Jobs was a blue-collar worker who worked as a machinist and carpenter.
    • He was a hardworking and responsible father who provided for his family.
    • He instilled a strong work ethic in Steve Jobs and taught him valuable skills like carpentry and electronics.
    • Steve Jobs later credited his father for his interest in technology, saying “My dad was an amazing handyman, and he built everything in our house.”
    • Paul Jobs passed away in March 1993, and Steve Jobs was deeply affected by his death.

Clara Jobs (Full Name: Clara Hagopian Jobs)

  • Born: March 3, 1913
  • Died: April 17, 1986
  • Occupation: Accountant
  • Relationship with Steve Jobs: Adoptive mother
  • Key Facts:
    • Clara Jobs was an accountant who worked part-time to help support the family.
    • She was a loving and nurturing mother who supported Steve Jobs’ interests and education.
    • Steve Jobs later said of his mother, “She was very artistic and had a good sense of design. She would bring us to museums and concerts.”
    • Clara Jobs passed away in April 1986, and Steve Jobs was deeply affected by her death.
    • Steve Jobs had a close relationship with his adoptive parents and considered them his real family. They provided him with a stable and loving upbringing, and supported his education and interests.

They raised Steve Jobs in Mountain View, California, and provided him with a middle-class upbringing. Steve Jobs was close to his adoptive parents, and they supported him in his interests in technology and design. Paul Jobs instilled a strong work ethic in Steve Jobs, and Clara Jobs encouraged his artistic side. Steve Jobs would later describe his adoptive parents as “an wonderful couple” and would say that they were “my parents 1,000%”.

Biological Parents:

  • Abdulfattah Jandali: is the biological father of Steve Jobs. He was a political science professor when he met Joanne Schieble, Steve’s biological mother, in the early 1950s at the University of Wisconsin. They were both unmarried college students at the time of Steve’s conception in 1954. Jandali and Schieble did not marry each other, and Schieble later put Steve up for adoption. Jandali later moved to Syria and eventually became a political science professor at the University of Homs in Syria. He is of Syrian descent. Jandali did not meet Steve Jobs until he was an adult, and their relationship was not close. He was not involved in Steve’s upbringing and did not play a role in his life.
  • Joanne Schieble: is the biological mother of Steve Jobs. She was an unmarried college student when she met Abdulfattah Jandali, Steve’s biological father, in the early 1950s at the University of Wisconsin. They were both college students at the University of Wisconsin when Steve was conceived in 1954. Schieble gave birth to Steve on February 24, 1955, and put him up for adoption. She later married and changed her last name to Simpson. Steve Jobs met his biological mother later in life, and they had a relationship. She raised her son Mona Simpson who is a novelist and Steve Jobs half sister. It is known that Steve Jobs had a good relationship with his birth mother, Joanne Schieble, and was close to her. She would later describe him as “an independent thinker, a rebel.”

Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali did not stay in touch after Steve Jobs was born and were not involved in each other’s lives. Steve Jobs would later describe his biological parents as “two wonderful people” and would say that they “gave me up for adoption” and they “did the right thing.”

Religious Affiliation: Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim

Not particularly religious and did not publicly identify with any particular religion. He was raised in a non-religious household by his adoptive parents, Paul and Clara Jobs, who were not known to be affiliated with any particular religion.

Explore different spiritual practices and philosophies throughout his life, he traveled to India in 1974 to study Buddhism and Hinduism, and he was also interested in Eastern spirituality and Zen Buddhism. He was known to have been influenced by Zen Buddhism’s emphasis on simplicity, intuition and creativity. He also was interested in the works of Jiddu Krishnamurti and Ramana Maharshi.

Not known publicly that he ever formally converted to Buddhism or Hinduism or if he practiced any religion throughout his life. He did not publicly discuss his religious beliefs, and it is not clear if he considered himself to be a member of any particular faith.

As far as publicly known, Steve Jobs was not known to have a direct connection to Islam. While he was raised in a Catholic family and had a mixed ethnic background that included some Arab ancestry, there is no public record of him identifying as a Muslim or practicing Islam. Steve Jobs was of Syrian and American ancestry, his biological father Abdulfattah Jandali was a Syrian Muslim, his biological mother Joanne Schieble was an American Catholic. However, Steve Jobs was raised in a non-religious household by his adoptive parents.

Steve Jobs Companies & Business Involvement


Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Computer Inc. (now Apple Inc.) in 1976 along with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. The company was started in Jobs’ parents’ garage and initially focused on developing personal computers. Some key facts and dates about Apple include:

  • Founding Date: April 1, 1976
  • Founders: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne
  • Initial focus: Personal computers
  • Key dates:
    • 1976: Apple Computer Inc. is founded and the first Apple computer, the Apple I, is released.
    • 1977: Apple releases the Apple II, which becomes a popular home computer.
    • 1980: Apple goes public and becomes a publicly traded company.
    • 1984: Apple releases the Macintosh, the first personal computer with a graphical user interface.
    • 1985: Steve Jobs is forced out of Apple by the board of directors.

NeXT Inc.

After leaving Apple, Steve Jobs founded this computer company that aimed to develop workstations for the education and business markets. Some key facts and dates about NeXT include:

  • Founding Date: October 12, 1985
  • Founder: Steve Jobs
  • Initial focus: Workstations for education and business markets
  • Key dates:
    • 1988: NeXT releases its first computer, the NeXTcube.
    • 1993: NeXT begins to focus on software development and releases the NeXTSTEP operating system.
    • 1996: NeXT is acquired by Apple and Steve Jobs returns to the company.

The Graphics Group – (later renamed Pixar)

Steve Jobs also acquired this from Lucasfilm’s computer graphics division. The company initially focused on producing graphics hardware, but later transitioned to producing computer-animated films. Some key facts and dates about Pixar include:

  • Founding Date: February 3, 1986
  • Founder: Steve Jobs
  • Initial focus: Graphics hardware
  • Key dates:
    • 1995: Pixar releases its first feature film, Toy Story, which becomes a critical and commercial success.
    • 2006: Pixar is acquired by The Walt Disney Company.
    • 2006 to 2011: He was also a member of the Board of Directors of Disney.

Other Investment Ventures

Steve Jobs was also involved in other ventures. Throughout his career, Steve Jobs was known as a visionary leader who had a significant impact on the technology industry. His contributions to the development of personal computers, animation and consumer electronics have been widely recognized and continue to influence the industry today.  He was known for his ability to identify promising technology and business ventures, and his investments helped shape the technology industry. He invested in several companies, some of these are:

  • Adobe Systems: Steve Jobs invested in Adobe in the late 1980s, and Adobe’s software such as Photoshop and Illustrator were widely used on Apple’s Macintosh computers.
  • Akamai Technologies: Steve Jobs invested in Akamai in 1999 and became a board member. Akamai is a content delivery network that helps improve the performance and security of websites.
  • Google: Steve Jobs invested in Google in 1999, at a time when Google was still a startup. The investment helped solidify the relationship between the two companies and Google’s search engine became the default search engine on Apple’s Safari web browser.
  • Gilt Groupe: Steve Jobs invested in Gilt Groupe in 2011, an e-commerce company that sells luxury fashion and home goods.
  • Salesforce: Steve Jobs invested in Salesforce in 1999, a cloud-based software company that provides customer relationship management (CRM) software

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